Why it Works
Ask any athlete what percentage of their performance is the mental game and they’ll say anywhere from 50-90%.
The million-dollar question is, how are athletes training their mental game?
While things like sports psychology and mindset coaching are becoming more popular, it’s not nearly common enough and more importantly, we have to assess if it’s truly effective and creating results?
In a lot of cases, it’s missing the mark and that’s where I come in.
Tennis is mostly mental. You win or lose the match before you even go out there.
Using a blend of leading-edge holistic tools based on scientific research, I work with athletes and their coaches to remove the limiting beliefs, undesired subconscious programming, and emotional residue that have been preventing consistent, top-level performances.
These processes deliver quick and lasting results that allow the person to gain the best platform for creating great performances, more consistency, and greater happiness.
Mental health is becoming a more acceptable topic to talk about with athletes. Yet it’s still avoided and replaced with physical training, “grind-it-out” approaches, and a reliance on “time” to heal the athletes. Those ways are antiquated and can cause more damage. It’s time for this to change.

It doesn’t matter if it is in the physical or mental training world, placing a load on top of dysfunction only creates more dysfunction. We’ve got to get to the root cause of performance issues.
When you address the WHOLE person – a person’s body, brain, emotions, and subconscious-beliefs, that’s when the athlete sees the biggest changes. When a protocol includes addressing the critical non-physical pieces, changes in performance and attitude often happen in record time and span far beyond the game – it impacts their entire life.
Athletes and coaches want and deserve a solution that delivers results now, not later. We all like speed. The tools I use work quickly, deeply, and are durable over time.
One of my favorite tools, EFT, also commonly referred to as Tapping, has been shown to work approximately 70% faster than approaches used by traditional sport-psychology like cognitive behavioral therapy. (Journal of Evidence Based Integrative Medicine 2019; 24: 2515690X18823691.)
With these tools, athletes are more likely to achieve peak performance without injury-inducing overtraining or negatively impacting their mental health.
The Science:
Creating desired outcomes in performance consistently can only occur when we remove the blocks in the way. Many people approach this through physical training and traditional sports psychology, but we need to go deeper to remove blocks preventing athletes from top performance.
The processes I teach my clients gets into the deep programming that runs their lives. Up to 95% of human behavior is run by subconscious programs. (Dr. Joe Dispenza, Rewired 2019)
In the physical body, blocks to performance include things like weakness and lack of mobility. Correct those and the athlete is able to generate more power.
In the mental and emotional side of the person, blocks to performance often come from memories of negative events that got stuck in our subconscious mind and bodies. The memories and patterns have been repeated so often that they now run like a software program.
When we identify and remove subconscious blocks, that is changing our programming, then the desired behaviour and great performance can arise more easily, consistently and often quickly.
If you’re not working at the subconscious level, you are probably not going to get to the root cause of undesired behavior, lack of performance and lack of enjoyment. That means suffering and lack of performance is likely to continue. Acting through the subconscious provides powerful, often quick, and lasting results.
Scientific Community Reports on Benefits of Using Energy Psychology Techniques:
- Athletic performance (soccer and basketball) increased through use of EFT.
(The effect of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) on soccer performance. Fidelity: Journal for the National Council of Psychotherapy, 47, 14-21; and (The effect of EFT on athletic performance: A randomized controlled blind trial. Open Sports Sciences, 2, 94-99.) - The “Yips” can be successfully treated with EFT.
(Preliminary evidence for the treatment of type I ‘yips’: The efficacy of the Emotional Freedom Techniques.Sport Psychologist, 26, 551-570.) - EFT outperformed traditional psychology solutions like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in a study of 5,000 people. More people were helped. Results were faster. Results were more durable over time. (Journal of Evidence Based Medicine 2019; 24:25)
- Pain reduction (57%) and other physiological benefits come from use of EFT. (Journal of Evidence Based Medicine 2019; 24:25):

The Tools:
I am a certified practitioner of the following leading-edge techniques used to help create top performance and enjoyment for athletes and coaches:
Emotional Freedom Techniques (“EFT”)
As a certified EFT practitioner, I’ve used this protocol to resolve sport-performance issues for the past 12 years. Also known as Tapping, this blend of Eastern and Western traditions has been successfully used by select athletes. Yet to most, the process and the amazing results it creates still remain hidden. Peer-reviewed journals have reported that clinical studies show EFT to outperform traditional psychology strategies for reducing anxiety.
Energy Psychology
I’m also a certified practitioner of Energy Psychology, which is a combination of mind-body approaches and coaching techniques aimed at increasing performance, resolving old subconscious programming, and deliberately creating new perspectives that allow for more joy and less pain. These techniques have been studied by over 200 investigators over 70 randomized controlled trials in the US and another 80 research studies internationally.

Process Healing Method
I am currently participating in the certification program of this powerful alternative process and expect to receive final certification in the Spring of 2022. The process uses the subconscious as a tool to deliberately shift perspectives of memories of negative experiences that are getting in the way of desired athletic performance and emotional resilience. This process was discovered in 1993 by an experimental psychologist, Dr. Gary Flint and proved to be a great means of resolving challenging mental and physical dysfunctions, without the use of pharmaceuticals.
What I look for in tools that I bring to my clients are:
- Measurable significant results, created quickly
- Relatively easy to learn, implement, and teach
- Portability allowing impromptu use on and off the playing-fields
- Powerful enough for use by medical professionals and also appropriate for use by the layperson athlete, coach, and parent.
The Experience:
From being a high school and collegiate athlete, to being a coach, and a parent of two athletes, I’ve been where you are and I’m here to help. To learn more about my lifetime of experience, go here.